ENGEL Global

VC 650H/200W/260 combi

available soon

Additional Information

Technical details

Series victory
Machine type VC 650H/200W/260 combi
Drive hydraulic
Year of manufacture 2017
Safety Standard CE
Location AT
Availability soon
Injection unit type Horizontal
Injection unit 650
Screw diameter 40 mm
Injection material Thermoplastics
Injection unit type 2 Horizontal
Injection unit 200
Screw diameter 25 mm
Injection material Thermoplastics
Type of construction tiebar-less
Platen size (h x v) 1100 x 1180 mm
Clamping force 2600 kN
Max. platen distance 1500 mm

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Leo Praher
General Manager
ENGEL Used Machinery
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I'd like to hear from you!
Leo Praher
General Manager
ENGEL Used Machinery

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Please note the information on data protection at ENGEL at www.engelglobal.com/dataprotection.
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